Minnestoa’s Ron Paul Delegates Want Change–Including More More Affordable Tampa Hotels
June 22, 2012

While establishment Republicans aren’t quite sure what to expect from the contingent of Ron Paul delegates at the national convention in Tampa, they’re beginning to get a taste.
In the Minnesota delegation at least, where a majority are delegates for the Texas congressman, there’s much rumbling about the high cost of convention hotels. And there’s a desire for less big-name speakers at delegation events and more authorities on issues such as economics and the debt.
From a Minnesota Public Radio report:
[Republican National Committeewoman for Minnesota Pat] Anderson has been to three Republican National Conventions and says she has never seen such demand for alternate accommodations. She thinks there’s more than just saving money behind the new batch of delegates’ desire to chart their own course.
“There’s a little bit of independence, more independence in this group where, you know, they aren’t going to do exactly as they’re told, you know by the original layout,” Anderson said. “And they want some options.”