Voter ID Bill Advance in Mo. Senate

Missouri Times:
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – HB1073 and HJR 47, bills requiring photo identification to vote, are both now before the Senate, where 1073 was referred to the Senate committee on Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight last Friday, and where HJR47, sponsored by Rep. Stanley Cox, R-Sedalia, has remained on the informal calendar for more than a week.

“HB 1073 simply ensures that on Election Day those individuals that are legally registered to vote and wish to participate in the electoral process without the threat of their vote being watered down by illegitimate votes are allowed to do so,” said bill sponsor Rep. Tony Dugger, R-Hartville. “At the same time, HB 1073 protects the right to vote of those Missourians legally registered to vote but who don’t have a photo ID on Election Day due to some reason out of their control.”

Rep. Cox
“We will be assured that our votes will count for what they should – one vote,” Cox said.

Senate Pro Tom Dempsey, R-St. Charles, has supported putting the measure to a public vote.

The bill would require Missourians to show valid photo identification in order to vote in public elections. Should HJR 47 pass both chambers, the initiative would be placed on the November 4 ballot.


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