Steelman Loans Campaign $400K to Pump Up Report Numbers

Missouri Republican US Senate candidate Sarah Steelman loaned her campaign $400,000, according to campaign finance statements that have just been released.

The Missouri US Senate election is in November 2012.

The $400,000 loan pumps up Steelman’s financial report.

According to the FEC document Steelman raised just over $96,000 in contributions. that is a low amount of money for what is expected to be a multi-million dollar campaign.

The reporting period covered the 3rd quarter of 2011. It is a required financial report from the Federal Election Commission (FEC). It’s regarded as a marking post to measure how well candidate is doing in the early stages of a campaign.

Steelman reports $561,949 in cash on hand.

Another GOP US Senate candidate,Rep Todd Akin reports $770,048 in cash on hand.

Akin reports he collected about $418,000 in contributions from individuals.

He reported no loans to his campaign.

The 3rd Republican candidate, St. Louis businessman John Brunner, did not enter the campaign until after the September 30 reporting deadline. He filed no report and won’t have to until the end of the year.

Brunner is a very successful businessman. He is expected to pay for much of his campaign with his own funds.

The winner of next August’s Republican Senate primary will face Democratic Incumbent Senator Claire McCaskill. She reported raising $1.2 million in the 3rd quarter.

She is finishing her first term in the Senate. Her race is rated as a toss-up.

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