Kander to Push for Early Voting in Missouri

Missouri’s new Secretary of State, Jason Kander, says he want to look at advance voting in Missouri. He wants to do it quickly.
Kander’s office says he’s putting together a panel of election officials and elected politicians to consider how Missouri can move toward advance voting.
The idea has been around for years in Missouri. The idea of advanced voting, however, always seems to get snarled in state capitol politics.
Both Democratic Secretaries of State like Robin Carnahan and Republican Matt Blunt tried to push the advance voting measures forward but failed.
Neighboring Kansas has used advance voting successfully for several years. Nearly a third of Kansans now vote in advance of major election dates.
“ Missouri is currently one of only 15 states that do not have any form of no-excuse absentee or early voting. Brianna Lennon, a former Missouri Assistant Attorney General who Kander hired to serve as the office’s Elections Counsel, will coordinate the commission,” according to a news release.
Kander also says he’s prohibiting his staff from taking gifts from lobbyists. He also wants staffers to become familiar with Missouri’s ethics laws before starting work in his office.

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